Launching the Wellbeing Collective
28th April 2020
Summer Counselling in Education
8th June 2020More of us will be spending a lot of time at home and many of our regular social activities will no longer be available to us. This period in our lives is completely different and out with our control, it’s not necessarily a bad one but it’s something we cannot change. It means a different rhythm of life, a chance to be in touch with others in different ways than usual. It means doing online exams, studying from home, missing college lectures, missing your social life, missing your fellow students.
That is why we are excited to announce our new partnership with New College Lanarkshire. We are introducing a new confidential counselling service to the college to support students during this difficult time.
This can be through video calls or the telephone – offering support for anyone who needs it in the college.
The prospect of not being able to leave your house much, if at all, may be upsetting, and might be negatively impacting your mental health. It’s important you take proactive steps to give yourself a sense of normality, maintain a routine, and do things you enjoy. It is also important to talk. Talk to someone, anyone. That’s why we are here – The Talking Rooms allows you to speak to someone out with your lockdown partners, in a supportive, nonjudgmental, confidential way.
David McShane, Head of Faculty says, “At New College Lanarkshire we are constantly reviewing the support we are able to offer to our students. This has never been more important than right now. Our buildings may be closed but we are still very much open to support and guide our students on line when they require. This is why our partnership with The Talking Rooms is so important to us. Working with Nicola and her team we can offer so much more and reach so many more that may be struggling. We are delighted to be working with such like-minded individuals and we look forward to the partnership strengthening when our student body returns to campus”.
For some, the coronavirus outbreak may trigger fearful or stressful thoughts and unhelpful behaviours, such as avoiding going out. You might even be worried about life after lockdown. You must remember these feelings are completely normal and having support there or someone to speak to can help. That’s why it’s amazing that New College Lanarkshire have approached The Talking Rooms. Having resources in place and a support system is a great way for students to seek help if they need it. Sometimes speaking to someone different is all you need, and sometimes you need to get to the bottom of the issues you might face. The Talking Rooms delivers what you need, when you need it.
Nicola Ball, MD of The Talking Rooms says, ‘We are excited and committed to providing counselling and CBT support, and we are delighted with this new partnership, which allows The Talking Rooms to extend its range from supporting Secondary Schools into Further Education. We have delivered fantastic results across Secondary schools, improving Mental Wellbeing and treating mental health issues and now being able to extend our service to NLC is incredible. We are excited about the possibilities of how we can reach and support the students of NLC.
Being able to offer CBT as well as counselling, is the next level of support for young people. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) a proven talking therapy that works with many psychological disorders, including anxiety, depression, and addiction. This type of deeper level talking therapy , helps us not just put the band aid on the issues at hand, but to dig a little deeper and help a young person to really overcome some of their life obstacles.
If you think this confidential counselling service could benefit you or you just want some extra support, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with your Student Advisor to get booked in for your confidential assessment.
In addition if you are an organisation concerned about the welfare of your students then please feel free to drop an email to nicola@thetalkingrooms.com for an informal discussion about how we can help you and your team.